Friday, September 19, 2008

hey stranger

i really shouldnt be up this late so ima use all mah mad skills to type all quiet. and be gangsta.

i am super tired right now. and im pretty sure either someone has to pee or they heard me typing because those sound strikingly similar to footsteps. damn. mah mad skills werent mad enough. huh. quieter now. ah well shall we continue. my cat has tried climbing on my lap like seventeen times now and i keep setting her back down and then she does it again x.X ...

i was distracted a second ago with this whole boardie thread about posting your crush stories. it was seriously depressing. all of them had such cute stuff and all the guys sounded so sweet. like why does this happen to other people. oh and it totally didnt help that like two days ago this guy that i [had?] been best friends with since sixth grade and only started seriously liking toward the middle of eighth grade and who i havent talked to in three months was sitting like ten feet in front of me for almost an hour at a freshman football game. and i am so super gutless i didnt even talk to him. and then he got up to leave and i was like hey. no. you arent allowed to leave because im not done telling myself over and over again to go and sit by you while i stare at the back of your head. then i went home and sat on my bed and i was a little weirded out but feeling okay in general then all of a sudden out of nowhere i just start crying like crazy. twas very bad. and i must [have?] like[d?] him a lot because im so not the type of person who gets nervous around guys. i am so effing lame.
i dont even think my bf (who was part of the reason i didnt go talk to him) knew he was there. cause she kept looking at me, me totally not watching the game obviously, like what the heck are you looking at freak. im like lol. robin = distracted much.

and then as if that werent shitty enough, today i got a whole crapload of badness for lunch. theres been this whole thing going on with someone who used to be my friend, and then started acting like nothing happened, and then today it all just blew up. i was like on the verge of puking and hitting someone in the face in very equal amounts sitting in the corner of a locker room bathroom for like ten minutes at the end of the lunch hour. and all the soccer kids were like holy cow what the heck is she doing. o.0 . i am soooo way overdosing on drama lately. they really should take those pills away from people my age. but im definantly not interested in a repeat on monday, so i is probably going to hang with chase for the rest of my life. i love the rest of my friends and all, but they still hang out with the source of all this, which is fine and everything, but i am not spending time around her anymore. sorry for the immaturedom. but i cant do that again. its like im a year younger and a lifetime smarter than every fucking girl in my class

so what else can i rant and be all negative about. i think thats about it. not that this itself isnt enough to fill up my brain for a few weeks.

piglet: "pooh?"
pooh: "yes, piglet?"
piglet: "oh nothing, i just wanted to be sure of you"

second star to the right


Anonymous said...

Hello fellow insomniatic!

Ugh. sorry 'bout the drama at school. I know what it's like. Girls at that age can be really hard to deal with unfortunately. Yours was the age at which I started hanging out with my guy friends more and more haha.

Oh. and I totally get the "Staring at the back of his head wondering..." thing lol. There was a guy I really liked last year, and I wasted the whole year "Sitting, Waiting, Whishing" haha.

Hope everything gets better fast =D

btw loved the winnie the pooh quote...I love those books/television shows etc. Pooh rocks lol


rockin_robin said...

heya! lol i think i went to bed like three minutes before you commented >.< i didnt realize my mom was still up, so i was trying to be quiet but i might have failed. im not very good at walking around in the dark without running into things

yeah right? chase is pretty much my only guy friend that still goes to my school. but i dont wanna be like clingy and invasive on him and everything. cuz hes sort of shy and since hes basically the only person i feel comfortable hanging out with right now, im going to try very hard not to scare him ^.^

aww im sorry. at least this guy was my friend until he went to bghs, so we talked A LOT. the football game was the first time really that ive ever felt like those super pathetic people on tv shows who are like "OMG i love him!.... but ive never talked to him". not that youre pathetic or anything. ive just never been that type of person. and then here i am at a football game completely and utterly terrified of walking up and talking to someone who was my best friend. like how awful is that. if hes there again, i dont even care if it makes me totally sick to my stomach, next time im talking to him

thank you very much! i slept in till like, well, right now today, which is already better than that five in the morning crap. not feeling great you know but feeling better than i have the past few days

i know, i died when i first heard that. i used to adore those movies and the show. ive only whatched it like once in quite a few years, but i do love it

Jenna said...

Life sucks sometimes.
I hope you get all this drama figured out soon.

And that Piglet quote was so cute!

Anonymous said...

yeah for me the situation was a bit complicated. we talked and stuff, and hung out a lot, but he was my best friend's ex...yeah I was too timid to get mixed up in that no matter how much I liked him lol.

glad you got some sleep.
don't be afraid to talk to him =D