Wednesday, May 7, 2008

It's been a while...

I haven't posted anything in like, forever. Sorry to anyone who this might have disappointed. And to those who are expecting this post to make up for it, you are probably also going to be disappointed. Because I'm most likely just going to rant about things that have been said a million times over.


Labels. I've never liked them, but now they are seriously pissing me off. Not that all of them aren't bad, but emo is especially one that is getting under my skin. Ninety percent of everybody who ever uses that stupid word doesn't even know what it means, and the other ten percent use it in such a way that isn't even deserving of having a definition. Emo's not a style, it's a way for people who are insecure about abnormalities to keep from having to meet people who aren't clones of themselves in respect of superficial, material things and appearances. It's shallow and iniquitous. I swear, myself alone, I've been called emo at least twelve times this week which ticks me off more than you can even imagine because the people who say it are obviously unenlightened to anything sensible and right. I am the farthest from emotional (in the negative, highly exaggerated respect of which "emo" is mostly based) you can possibly find, and the way I dress is definantly not hardcore enough to fit into that category, but everyone in my grade is so afraid of anyone who wears a black choker that they resort to name-calling and shunning-from-the-lunch-table like third graders. It's absolutely nothing short of infuriating. Just today some girl in my history class starts saying how she doesn't understand "emo people" and she hates the "emo table" and she thinks we should all just stop trying to be unique and just give in to the wonderful trend of paying $40 extra dollars for a t-shirt so that you can advertise Hollister's company for them. And smell like crap. Hollister smells, no joke... I hate walking past it in the mall. Anyway, my history teacher was asking where all the scissors went, and he's kind of a geek so he asks if we're tearing them apart and selling the metal on Ebay, and the same girl goes "Yeah, we're taking apart the two halves and selling them as knives so the emo kids can cut themselves." These people are seriously bothering me on a deep level. Like, honestly, anyone who calls anyone else emo lately I feel like punching. Hard. Like this one kid in my language arts class who can't get over himself. One day I said that a certain substitute didn't like me very much, and he goes "Maybe because he thinks you go off and cut yourself". He's a jerk and everyone I know can't stand him but he keeps sitting with us in class. It's not making me a very happen person. Oh and also, a sub in my science class even singled "emos" out the other day. She obviously had no clue what it meant, because she said something like "You guys act so innocent on the outside, but on the inside you're this boiling cauldron of bad behavior... like an emo." What the frick? I just sat there with my mouth hanging open for like ten minutes. Modern 14-year old society is seriously twisted in the head about labeling. Calling someone emo doesn't, and shouldn't, make you more popular. Telling your friends that the kid who wears a black sweatshirt periodically tries to commit suicide isn't, and shouldn't be, funny. And although I feel the most strongly about the "emo" thing, it goes the other way to. I get pretty pissed when the kids at my school who follow a specific trend striving to be labeled a goth or an emo call other people preps or whatever. It doesn't make you cool to shop at Hot Topic and make fun of the "popular people".

Pretty much I'm just sick of people trying to fit in. If you wear black hoodies and studded belts and Converse, and listen to Taking Back Sunday and The Used and Linkin Park because it's what you like, great. I like that stuff too. If you wear Hollister tees and listen to Chris Brown and Leona Lewis strictly because it's what makes you happy, then I don't necassarily agree with you, but I don't have a problem with you either. I start having a problem with you when you wear clothes because your peers think it's cool, and when you listen to music because it's number one on iTunes, and when you make fun of the people who don't follow the exact same regime of follow-the-leader and inexistant identity. That's what bothers me.

Stop fitting in. Just stop. And stop telling people they're supposed to fit in or else they're bad people.


Anonymous said...

Three Cheers for that post!!!

Over the past month I've been trying to write a post about lables. . .but I couldn't do it with out ending up in a rant. You did wonderfully!

I am happy that I have had very little problems with lables, but I am so enraged by the fact that there are these problems! Lables are for soup!

I don't thnk lables as a whole are a bad thing people need things like preppy, goth, emo, jock. So they can catigorize things. But you want to naturally fall into whatever those idiots are going to call you, and ignore them when they do. Not base your life on fitting into the emo or prep group. There's nothing wrong if you just fall into that lable because of who YOU are, but to make yourself into it is wrong!

It's like chicken noodle soup adding potato puree so it can fit into the chowder catagory. . haha ew! xD

I have been called emo because of how I dress and the music I listen to. I don't mind because I fallen into it naturally, and because I'm not trying to be emo. I'm ME and nothing will change that!
What really bothers me is things like what I found on Wiki. "How to be an Emo" yeah. . .that's wrong. It tells you that in order to be emo you have to listen to this music, wear those clothes, cut yourself etc etc etc. Come on!!!

Ok so sorry that was a long comment. And I did end up ranting o.0

P.S. I get a headache whenever I walk past Hollister 'cause of their "perfume", and 'cause the music is always pounding!

Jenna said...

Labels suck!!!
Sis, when you get to our high school you may be pleasantly surprised ... our school is actually very accepting of a lot of people and don't label much at all. At least, not my graduating class. But I think PHS in general is just cool that way. I havn't really run into much of the cliques or labels or ANYTHING since freshman year ... which surprises me a LOT! lol. I mean sure it happens, but really not as much as you'd think. You may be pleasantly surprised, as I was.
Amy made a good point about trying to fit in a clique and just kinda falling into one. I still don't think it's cool to label people for any reason, whether they're trying to get a certain label or not, but in reality, it does happen ... it would just be better if the labels weren't so degrading, ya know?
I guess this is just something we have to live with as teenagers, and the best advice I have to anybody dealing with it is to just stop taking all their crap and be who you want to be, regardless.

And speaking of stores at the mall and smells ... the Hot Topic where we live smells lovely! <3 I don't know if it's all Hot Topic's or just our store, but it's YUMMY lol. And this guy at my school walked by the other day, and he smelled EXACTLY like Hot Topic ... I pretty much panicked ;) lol. It was amazing.

Anyway. Long reply, lots of rambling. I'm going to take a nap now :D
Awesome post, sis!

rockin_robin said...

Glad you think I did well... my own post kind of sounded like ranting to me... >.< I agree with you about needing labels for categorizing, but people need to stop bashing with them and trying too hard to be someone who isn't themselves because of labels. sorry for lack of making sense, it's sort of late... or maybe i'm just tired.

Excited to go to a school where at the very least not everybody is clique-biased.

Love how HT smells, hate how hollister smells, don't mind pounding music as long as you can hop and headbang

Anonymous said...

Yeah. . .lables are poo-ey lol.

Unfortuantely we do have to deal.

HT smells awesome! They burn this inscence. My dad said it's simialr to the stuff they burt in record stores in the 70's.

I have the answer to why the guy smelled like that! There's a laundry detergent that smells like HT. . .a friend of mine uses it. I think it's Gain. =]