Friday, May 23, 2008

I have absolutely nothing to do...

Garh. I am currently and will be home alone all day. It's a four day weekend, it's only Friday, and I just got finished watching **** Live in Phoenix for the fifth time and I think I might go downstairs and watch a couple reruns of Ghost Whisperer and eat ice cream. Wow, I don't feel lame at all. Bleck. Nothing. To. Do. Mmmmm, I can't remember his name but some guy from Ashes Divide is talking about Projekt Revolution '08 on The Sauce right now. Has anyone but me noticed that FUSE absolutely loves My Chemical Romance? Like, in their new commercial they're playing the opening piano thingy to Welcome to the Black Parade, and I've been watching The Sauce for like fifteen minutes and I've already seen at least four random clips of MCR videos in those little commercially "music saves your life" dealios they play all the time. And they were advertising Loaded, like listing off all the bands they've featured on that show, and it's like "Rihanna, Kanye, blah blah blah, and My Chemical Romance!" I'm like, jesus, favoriting much? And does anyone else think that "Handlebars" song that's number one on the rock countdown right now totally came out of nowhere? Like the rest of the list is pretty much the same exept moved down one slot, so I expected Seether to be number one again, and then all of a sudden BAM! there's this random song by this random band of which both I'be never heard or heard of. And what's with Death Cab for Cutie beating Linkin Park? They just came out with "Given Up", which is amazing, and it's behind "I Will Posses Your Heart", which is monotonous and bleh? I mean, come on people. I think Atreyu's "Falling Down" is behind DCFC too, which is also gross. If I wasn't poor I would buy those songs (minus DFCT... you know, the Linkin Park and Atreyu ones). Buy sadly I only have fifty-six cense(blonde moment... how do you spell that?) and the first dollar is going to "Champagne for my Real Friends, Real Pain for my Sham Friends", because it's amazing and I don't have it and once I do all three albums will be complete... Mwahahahaha.

GROSS! "Lollipop" is on. Lil' Wayne needs to go die. Die, man, die! Sorry. I'm slightly bored. Ha ha... just a minute ago was the video for "4 Minutes". LOL, JT looks like a freak and Madonna is hardly wearing any clothes. What has become of music today... I'm trying to put a timer-recorder on the episodes of Loaded for Fall Out Boy, Panic!, and My Chem, but I'm not sure I did it right and if they don't record I know I'll forget they're on and won't get to watch them. Crapsicles. Sigh. Oh well...

Off to raid the fridge and watch mindless telivision...



Jenna said...

Wow. You WERE bored yesterday o.0

rockin_robin said...

Yes. Yes I was.