Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Countdowns are just too fun...


lol it looks like one of those spanish sentences where instead of having the question mark at the end of the question it's in the front and the one at the end is upside down except I can't make an upsidedown exclamation point... darn

yes that really is all I have to say


sorry for being random

ha ha not really

I love being random


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

P-A-N-I-C with an exclamation point!!!(or three)

I officially have two tickets in the mail for Panic at the Disco 5/27/08 at the Portland Metropolitan Exposition Center. GAHH! I really hope they play a significant amount of songs from A Fever You Can't Sweat Out, though, to be honest. I'm not a huge fan of Pretty.Odd. It's okay, but... I don't know. Just okay. I'm probably going to be one of the only people there headbanging and mini-moshing, but I'll make it work. From what I've heard of the other three bands, the concert might have a little bit of a folky-hippie sound. That's okay, I'll rock out anyway. "The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide is Press Coverage" is extremely fun to dance to, so I hope they play that one... Garh I hope I get somewhere close to up front this time... I mean I was fairly close at the MCR concert but I've never been up front. That would be totally tight... Anyway, done wishing, now I'll wait... TWELVE DAYS.

Tick, tick, tick...

Friday, May 23, 2008

Thank the lord for iTunes gift cards!

AHHHH! Fifteen dollars... I should probably spend it wisely. Accually I've had it for like two seconds and I've already bought:

A) Champagne for My Real Friends, Real Pain for My Sham Friends - Fall Out Boy
B) Given Up - Linkin Park
C) Falling Down - Atreyu
D) My Heart Is the Worst Kind of Weapon(demo) - Fall Out Boy

Mwhahahahahahahaha! Sorry to waste your time with this I'm just very excited to finally not be broke.

I have absolutely nothing to do...

Garh. I am currently and will be home alone all day. It's a four day weekend, it's only Friday, and I just got finished watching **** Live in Phoenix for the fifth time and I think I might go downstairs and watch a couple reruns of Ghost Whisperer and eat ice cream. Wow, I don't feel lame at all. Bleck. Nothing. To. Do. Mmmmm, I can't remember his name but some guy from Ashes Divide is talking about Projekt Revolution '08 on The Sauce right now. Has anyone but me noticed that FUSE absolutely loves My Chemical Romance? Like, in their new commercial they're playing the opening piano thingy to Welcome to the Black Parade, and I've been watching The Sauce for like fifteen minutes and I've already seen at least four random clips of MCR videos in those little commercially "music saves your life" dealios they play all the time. And they were advertising Loaded, like listing off all the bands they've featured on that show, and it's like "Rihanna, Kanye, blah blah blah, and My Chemical Romance!" I'm like, jesus, favoriting much? And does anyone else think that "Handlebars" song that's number one on the rock countdown right now totally came out of nowhere? Like the rest of the list is pretty much the same exept moved down one slot, so I expected Seether to be number one again, and then all of a sudden BAM! there's this random song by this random band of which both I'be never heard or heard of. And what's with Death Cab for Cutie beating Linkin Park? They just came out with "Given Up", which is amazing, and it's behind "I Will Posses Your Heart", which is monotonous and bleh? I mean, come on people. I think Atreyu's "Falling Down" is behind DCFC too, which is also gross. If I wasn't poor I would buy those songs (minus DFCT... you know, the Linkin Park and Atreyu ones). Buy sadly I only have fifty-six cense(blonde moment... how do you spell that?) and the first dollar is going to "Champagne for my Real Friends, Real Pain for my Sham Friends", because it's amazing and I don't have it and once I do all three albums will be complete... Mwahahahaha.

GROSS! "Lollipop" is on. Lil' Wayne needs to go die. Die, man, die! Sorry. I'm slightly bored. Ha ha... just a minute ago was the video for "4 Minutes". LOL, JT looks like a freak and Madonna is hardly wearing any clothes. What has become of music today... I'm trying to put a timer-recorder on the episodes of Loaded for Fall Out Boy, Panic!, and My Chem, but I'm not sure I did it right and if they don't record I know I'll forget they're on and won't get to watch them. Crapsicles. Sigh. Oh well...

Off to raid the fridge and watch mindless telivision...


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

... (I'm bad at titles too?)

I think I'm bad at this blogging thing >.<

I don't have a clue how long I've had this account thingy but I only have ten posts. Hmmmm... that isn't very many. Well, anyway, I guess this makes eleven. I'm just posting to give the world a taste of my not-very-impressive poetry. I write a lot, but mostly on scratch papers which I end up losing, so this is the only one I currently still have... and in accordance with the title of this post it is title-less:

You say you love me and your face doesn’t belie the words as I would expect
I wonder and admire how you can misrepresent yourself that way in placidity
You say you’re telling me the truth and my words reject my thoughts as they catch on my aching throat
I wonder why your contradictions sound melodic
You say you’ll chase my fears away and you look like you can’t remember which expression you’ve been calmly straining to preserve
I wonder what the point would be when I’m only afraid of the cast of your eyes as I feel for the doorknob in the dark
You tell me to trust you and that you want what’s best for me
I wonder why I crave the malice on your tongue
You tell me you can heal my pain and the blood in my veins viciously pleads for your warm hand around my wrist
I wonder why your threateningly slow breath feels curative
You tell me that I’ll die without you and I can’t help but think you’ve already killed me
As you walk away I wonder if having died once of homicide justifies staring down the barrel of a gun every time I blink my eyes

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Favorite songs of the week:

Not sure why I'm posting this. It'll mostly consist of (surprise!) My Chem and Fall Out Boy, so there's not much mystery in it, but whatever... here's my top ten for this week... I probably shouldn't say that, actually... it'll most likely change tomorrow X.x I have constantly-revolving favorite songs lists. Anyway, here's today's top ten, in no particular order.

1) I Never Told You What I Do For a Living - My Chemical Romance

This is totally random, but I'm absolutely in love with the way Gerard says "I'm so dirty, babe". It completely sold the song for me. And the "They gave us two shots to the back of the head" part. That line is rocking awesome too.

2) I Slept With Someone in Fall Out Boy and All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me - Fall Out Boy

"So progress report: I aint missing you to death" = a billion hearts from me. Pete screaming = twenty-hundred billion, but you know... That's to be expected. I absolutely love this song. Perfection.

3) Lying Is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Off Her Clothes - Panic at the Disco

This song totally owns my bright orange sweatpants. Period. That's how amazing it is. And the music video is probably the tightest thing you've ever seen since Pete's hair in "Beat It".

4) Cemetery Drive - My Chemical Romance

I don't even know what to say about this song. "And they found you on the bathroom floor" is probably one of the lines that affects me the most. Oh, and "It isn't that much fun staring down a loaded gun" is an absolutely amazing line. This song makes my stomach sink. In a good way. I just love it.

5)The Music or the Misery - Fall Out Boy

"We're high fashion, we're last chances"..."I'm every cliche, but I simply to it best"..."I'm casually obsessed"..."I got your love letters, corrected the grammar, and sent them back"..."It's true romance is dead, I shot in the chest then in the head"... 'nough said? The closing verse is better than sliced bread, too. "I went to bed a poet, and woke up a fraud".

6) The Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes - Fall Out Boy

Okay, simply the fact that Patrick can sing like that at only nineteen or twenty is impressive itself. Other than that, this song makes my heart rate accelerate to a dangerous speed, for numerous reasons. Especially "But I still know the way to make your makeup run..." This song is uber sexy.

7) Shimmy Shimmy Quarter Turn - Hellogoodbye

I LOVE this song. I've pretty much said that about every song on this list. Obviously... it's my top ten. Anyway, just listen and enjoy. Fave line = "How can I check lost and found when I'm too busy getting down". It's a very danceable song...
P.S. sorry about the annoying lyrics on the video. Couldn't find one that wasn't weird/and or bad quality, so just ignore the words.

8) Send My Love to the Dance Floor I'll See You in Hell - Cobra Starship

This song is also very danceable. I have a really hard time sitting still during this song. It's terribly catchy and very Cobralicious. Ha ha. Not quite amazing enough to be FOBulous but Cobralicious is cool too... I love making up geeky word-phrases...P.S. same as above with the lyrics.

9) The Diary of Jane - Breaking Benjamin

This song is so trippy. Which is good. Trippy's good. Their lead singer totally has something going for him when he sings "Do you like that?!?" S-E-X-Y. Sorry ^.^. I've never even seen the guy (nor do I know a thing about the band) but I love that line. If I were not-lazy enough to put this list in order of likedness, this one would definatly be higher up there. I'm pretty dern infatuated with it. And just for my awesomely challenged sister, I'll use a big word: It's pulchritudinous.

10) Calm Before the Storm - Fall Out Boy

Love it love it love it love it love it. I always have one favorite FOB song for a short period of time until I find another one to replay over and over again (excluding Dance, Dance. That song will forever hold a special place in my heart for making me sick in the head with love for the best band ever to sing songs that could only catch the ear of the desperate in a Chicago basement... sorry again...). So this is probably my fave Fall Out Boy song right now. It took a while for me to really appreciate it, so I suggest listening to it a few times, but I know probably no one will, so... just keep in mind that I warned you... <3 "What you do in your own time's just fine, my imagination's much worse. I just never wanna know what meant the world imploded, inflated then demoted." Pete takes being a drop-dead shockingly talented and beautiful lyricist to a whole new level in this song. <3

It's been a while...

I haven't posted anything in like, forever. Sorry to anyone who this might have disappointed. And to those who are expecting this post to make up for it, you are probably also going to be disappointed. Because I'm most likely just going to rant about things that have been said a million times over.


Labels. I've never liked them, but now they are seriously pissing me off. Not that all of them aren't bad, but emo is especially one that is getting under my skin. Ninety percent of everybody who ever uses that stupid word doesn't even know what it means, and the other ten percent use it in such a way that isn't even deserving of having a definition. Emo's not a style, it's a way for people who are insecure about abnormalities to keep from having to meet people who aren't clones of themselves in respect of superficial, material things and appearances. It's shallow and iniquitous. I swear, myself alone, I've been called emo at least twelve times this week which ticks me off more than you can even imagine because the people who say it are obviously unenlightened to anything sensible and right. I am the farthest from emotional (in the negative, highly exaggerated respect of which "emo" is mostly based) you can possibly find, and the way I dress is definantly not hardcore enough to fit into that category, but everyone in my grade is so afraid of anyone who wears a black choker that they resort to name-calling and shunning-from-the-lunch-table like third graders. It's absolutely nothing short of infuriating. Just today some girl in my history class starts saying how she doesn't understand "emo people" and she hates the "emo table" and she thinks we should all just stop trying to be unique and just give in to the wonderful trend of paying $40 extra dollars for a t-shirt so that you can advertise Hollister's company for them. And smell like crap. Hollister smells, no joke... I hate walking past it in the mall. Anyway, my history teacher was asking where all the scissors went, and he's kind of a geek so he asks if we're tearing them apart and selling the metal on Ebay, and the same girl goes "Yeah, we're taking apart the two halves and selling them as knives so the emo kids can cut themselves." These people are seriously bothering me on a deep level. Like, honestly, anyone who calls anyone else emo lately I feel like punching. Hard. Like this one kid in my language arts class who can't get over himself. One day I said that a certain substitute didn't like me very much, and he goes "Maybe because he thinks you go off and cut yourself". He's a jerk and everyone I know can't stand him but he keeps sitting with us in class. It's not making me a very happen person. Oh and also, a sub in my science class even singled "emos" out the other day. She obviously had no clue what it meant, because she said something like "You guys act so innocent on the outside, but on the inside you're this boiling cauldron of bad behavior... like an emo." What the frick? I just sat there with my mouth hanging open for like ten minutes. Modern 14-year old society is seriously twisted in the head about labeling. Calling someone emo doesn't, and shouldn't, make you more popular. Telling your friends that the kid who wears a black sweatshirt periodically tries to commit suicide isn't, and shouldn't be, funny. And although I feel the most strongly about the "emo" thing, it goes the other way to. I get pretty pissed when the kids at my school who follow a specific trend striving to be labeled a goth or an emo call other people preps or whatever. It doesn't make you cool to shop at Hot Topic and make fun of the "popular people".

Pretty much I'm just sick of people trying to fit in. If you wear black hoodies and studded belts and Converse, and listen to Taking Back Sunday and The Used and Linkin Park because it's what you like, great. I like that stuff too. If you wear Hollister tees and listen to Chris Brown and Leona Lewis strictly because it's what makes you happy, then I don't necassarily agree with you, but I don't have a problem with you either. I start having a problem with you when you wear clothes because your peers think it's cool, and when you listen to music because it's number one on iTunes, and when you make fun of the people who don't follow the exact same regime of follow-the-leader and inexistant identity. That's what bothers me.

Stop fitting in. Just stop. And stop telling people they're supposed to fit in or else they're bad people.