Saturday, October 25, 2008

its that way

the way you sweat
the way youre so close together the air gets thin
the way you cant stand on your own two feet afterwards
the way you scream until you lose your voice
the way you bruise and the way you smile

yes im talking about last night, but im not talking to you darling

i love and hate post-concert depression in equal parts. i love it because that just seems to be the way i am... its feeling, and its feeling a lot, all at once. so i like it. i hate it because you want to be there again. i love and also hate being sore and hoarse and sweaty. i love and hate the fact that you get so desperately thirsty youll drink out of a water bottle thats been passed around to 50 hot(like the temperature, kay) people you dont know.

almost got a drumstick from hit the lights. touched sing it loud's bassist's arm. laughed a lot at jonathan from ftsk's craziness. got caught up in the scramble during cobra's last/encore song, went a bit psycho, and was standing pretty much beneath gabe saporta, who happens to be extremely tall. hearts for ryland because i love him and hes hilarious

"ouch, gabriel, that really hurt!"

halloween is probably my favorite holiday ever, making october my favorite month. i feel like watching a vampire movie in my orange casper the ghost pants and staying up late and making tents and stuff. i think we need a halloween break from school so we can enjoy these things to their full extent. i dont know, i just really feel like being creeped out. or at least watching something dark and creepy-themed, even if its from the ninteies and isnt accually scary


Jenna said...

i totally know what you mean about the post-concert depression thing. it's a high, really. being there and getting the shit beat out of you and just listening to good music and having a blast for a night ...
... and when it's over you need more.

that show was really, really something. i shall post about it now on meh own blog XP including pixel-y camera phone shots of sing it loud. for the win.

Anonymous said...

sounds like the Cobra concert was a blast! Glad you had fun...and got to be so close to Gabe and crew!

I also love's tied with Christmas in my eyes at the moment. =]
I love the atmophere and of course the candy!

rockin_robin said...

yeah it was. not quite as fun as HCT in retrospect, but i was definantly closer to the front, especially during guilty pleasure. i was like CLOSE close. fun stuff

i used to be equally in love with halloween and christmas, but right now i think halloween takes the cake