Monday, October 13, 2008

holy crap

well the countdown just backtracked to SIXTY THREE DAYS.


folie a deux has been postponed till december 16. i think i might die. especially since theyre releasing another single tomorrow, and another the next tuesday. and more podcasts. and i appreciate the effort, what with the keeping us busy until december, but itd honestly be easier for me to just keep it off my mind for the next few months. oh well. i guess ill tough it out. maybe. all i have to do it breathe and keep going, right? easy enough

one of my hormone-less friends decided she liked someone today. i thought id be more happy about that. i dont know. i obviously cant say that it annoys me, because ive been bugging her to like someone for the past year, but it does. dont know why. i guess it brought up the me liking/not liking someone thing again, i mean obviously not verbally but in my head. its so STUPID. like two weeks ago i was like "i think its possible that i still like him, shit" and now its like "no im pretty sure i dont". its like i quit some kind of freakish addiction cold turkey and i can go fine until i see it or hear it or anything, and then im bad again. so i guess now im hoping NOT to ever see him at another football game. then as soon as i decide that ill see him at one, not get to talk to him, and wish to see him again for the following month, right? yeah well. ive got some issues

think thats it. possibly something more exciting sometime else. i havent written in a long time ._.

second star to the right


Anonymous said...

=[ they post-poned it???

Bummer....I'm looking forward to hearing some of their new stuff. It feels like forever since infinity on high was released!

loony lyssie said...

What? I really wanted to get Folie A Deux! I can't believe they postponed it ):

Kelly said...


But I will NOT dl each song as it's released on itunes. I will buy the album on the (bad bad bad) street date - Dec 16.

rockin_robin said...

yes, yes, and yes on the bummers.

but i cracked. i wasnt going to listen to them, but once my countdown was backtracked i lost all of my self control. ive listened to allt three and will probably listen to next weeks. i mean, its not like they leakes. fob REALEASED them, so ill give myself a little slack.