Sunday, March 30, 2008

I look like a hobo

Well, that was exciting. I'm sitting here right now with a bruised cheek, a bleeding lip and an aching shoulder. Thank you, thank you so very much, Smokey. Smokey is my sister's dingbat of a horse who decided to rearrange my face today. So we (my sister and I) had a riding lesson today, and it was a ton of fun. We got home and unloaded my horse (we have to haul him up to my trainer's barn for the lessons.... Smokey stays at home because he has a bad foot), got him all dressed up in his blankets because its practically snowing, and then let both horses loose. Well, then the weather decided to get all stormy and we heard some thunder, which usually makes horses anxious, and Smokey was hyper anyway because his buddy just came home. Smokey and Casper - my horse - took turns bucking around for a bit and then Smoke decided to roll in the mud. I went over to try and coax him up before he got really dirty, since they were just about to be let into the less-muddy side of the pasture, when he exploded at me with his stupid butt. I don't really know exactly how it happened, but somehow he caught me on my shoulder before kicking me in the head. So along with being a beaten-up mess, I have a massive headache. That's great, huh.... I'm just hoping I'm not still swollen when school starts back up again...


Jenna said...

Dingbat. Ha ha. Yeah, that's my Smokey-boy.
I love you, okay? PLEASE don't ever forget that.
And don't take it personally ... we all know Smokey's an airhead. Sometimes he just doesn't think before, oh, I dunno, he decides to fire out with both hind feat in the direction of an innocent bystander. Accidents happen, right? :p
Just Kidding.
Hope you feel better! <3